Thursday, June 14, 2007

Lecture notes on P.B. Shelley

Download the lecture on Shelley, part one, here: lecture.doc

And part two here: lect 2.doc

It should open with Microsoft Word. If you have any technical trouble with these 2 files, then just send an email to me and I'll send you a different format version.
To get credit for attendance on "Study Day" 6/22, you are required to post your question or comment to this blog about Shelley, any time before the final exam. See you then.

Lecture notes on Coleridge

If you missed the actual lecture, you can download my notes toward a lecture on Coleridge (or, S.T.C.). The actual lecture was of course glorious, and the notes are merely a pale shadow.

Gothic power pointer

You can download my PowerPoint lecture on the Gothic genre here.

The Gothic Genre as a Problematization of the Decayed Aristocracy

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Welcome -- post here.

Please post your question or comment here for Professor Heroux's course on British Romanticism.

Of course, I cannot reply to every question, but I will reply here to as many thoughtful questions as time allows. Every post will be acknowledged as your class participation.

When you are done, you might also follow the links to our syllabus or to the Norton website, etc.